Saturday, December 28, 2019

Descartes Third Meditation Proof of Gods Existence Essay

Descartes Third Meditation: Proof of Gods Existence In Rene Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes is seeking to find a system of stable, lasting and certain knowledge, which he can ultimately regard as the Truth. In his methodical quest to carry out his task, Descartes eventually arrives at the proverbial fork in the road: how to bridge the knowledge of self with that of the rest of the world. Descartesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ answer to this is to prove the existence of God. The purpose of this essay will be to state and explain Descartes Third Meditation: Proof of Gods Existence by identifying relevant concepts and terminology and their relationship to each other and examining each premise as well as the conclusion of the proof and finally†¦show more content†¦The highest degree of reality involves the infinite. The infinite represents substances that are unbounded and possess no conceivable or tangible limits in any of their aspects or qualities. The only example of this for Descartes would be an entity of omnipote nce, who would be all knowing, all powerful, and that of which no greater can be conceived, in other words God. The next concept that must be explained is in fact the very first premise for Descartes Third Meditation Proof for the Existence of God, that of the Causal Adequacy Principle. Descartes reasons that quot;as the idea contains one particular subjective reality rather than another, it must get this reality from a cause having at least as much formal reality as the idea has subjective realityquot; (p 58). In this, Descartes attempts to tie together the concepts on kinds of reality and degrees of reality. Returning to the example using the ceiling, Descartes would argue that the thing causing or bringing into existence the idea of the ceiling (a mind dependent entity) could only be another finite substance (i.e. the actual ceiling) or an infinite substance (i.e. God), either of which would be of formal (mind independent) reality. In saying this I eliminate the notion that the idea of the ceiling could be sustained by the holes and markings (accidents and modifications) because according t o Descartes they are of a lower degree of reality,Show MoreRelatedEssay about Descartes Third Meditation: Proof of Gods Existence1382 Words   |  6 PagesDescartes Third Meditation: Proof of Gods Existence In Rene Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes is seeking to find a system of stable, lasting and certain knowledge, which he can ultimately regard as the Truth. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Advantage of in-House Maintenance Against Outsourcing

What is more advantageous in house maintenance or outsource? What is the approach of Maintenance Managers world wide? 9 days ago * Close viewer * Like * Comment * Follow * Flag * Flag as Promotion * Flag as Job * Flag as Inappropriate * More * Reply Privately Chad Powell, Dave DJ Tomlinson and 1 other like this You, Chad Powell, Dave DJ Tomlinson and 1 other like this 16 comments santosh kumarUnfollow Follow santosh kumar santosh kumar vishwakarma †¢ Both type of maintenance have advantages amp; disadvantages. It depends on your type of industry amp; management policy.Now days normally management prefer outsource due to following reasons :- 1-Due to lack of skilled manpower because†¦show more content†¦External resources are more often focussed on making money from the client and usually not having reliability focus. They are more likely repair focussed. 6 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 2 Josà © LuisUnfollow Follow Josà © Luis Josà © Luis Guzmà ¡n Salazar †¢ All previous reviews are very valuable and true, Im going to bring some of my experience: You have to put yourself in a country or continent to see which is the option that has more advantages, in USA or Canada can have differences from the rest of America, including Mexico, Brazil, Chile and the rest of America. Also you can have differences between Europe, Africa or Asia. An important factor is the evolution or development of maintenance models and concepts that each business owner has, but also influences the laws of each country and the influence of labor unions on businesses, as many companies take as a starting point for decision, problems that unions bring to the continuity and other aspects of the business. 5 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 2 MikeUnfollow Follow Mike Mike Gilley †¢ To answer your question requires understanding the services and service level standards that are expected of the maintenance function AND why you ask the question. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Product Development and Market Entry Decisions

Question: Discuss about the Product Development and Market Entry Decisions. Answer: Introduction Market expansion strategy is considered as one of the most vital strategies prevailing within the business of the firm that helps in generating the market expansion of the firm. narket research is necessary part of planning as it allows companies to find such vital information as what the main features of the market are and what potential customers want. There are several tools designed to help businesses develop successful marketing plans and use them in order to grow. Product market expansion grid was specified by the Ansoffs matrix (Reardon, Coe and Miller 2015). This market expansion grid is quite valuable for planning the expansion of the company. This analysis helps in analysing the projected path in which the organization would find it beneficial to expand its sales and business prospects. The aim of this report is to analyse the marketing strategies of Amazon Australia by framing a product market penetration grid strategy for the firm. The analysis focuses on the achieving the aims of the firms that would be beneficial for progressing the future prospect of the firm. The following report has contains a background of the firm that would introduce the abilities and achievements of the firm. It is followed by a brief introduction to the product market penetration strategy (Prior and Bowman 2014). Every strategy has been reciprocated in the report on the basis of the Amazon Australia. Background of the Company Amazon is considered as one of the most developed and expanded electronic commerce cloud computing company. This organization has been successful in expanding its business throughout the world, where it helps in accessing its customers with all kind of products. It has been successful in being one of the largest electronic commerce organizations with its headquarters in United States of America. Along with the retailing, business the organization has also been successful in producing their own branch of products such as kindle, Fire tablet, e readers, fire TV and echo. Amazon is considered as the worlds largest provider of cloud infrastructure that ascertains low end products in the market (Guze et al. 2014). The organization has been operating in 15 countries currently. This report would focus the market operations of Amazon restricted only to Australia. Market Expansion Grid Product market expansion grid was specified by the ansoffs matrix. This market expansion grid i S quite valuable for planning the expansion of the company. This analysis helps in analysing the projected path in which the organization would find it beneficial to expand its sales and business prospects. Various strategies together in this aspects are taken into consideration. In order to analyse the product market expansion grid, two factors are taken into consideration (De Waal 2016). These factors are the product and the market. The product of the firm could be A NEW INNOVATION OF THE ROGANZIATION OR AN EXISTING ONE. THE chosen market of the fri could also be either a new territory to be entered by the referred company or the existing one. The grid for market expansion has been focussing on these two factors that accounts to be most prior for a organization (Mukherjee et al. 2016). The strategies that are analysed using this framework are : Market development strategy Diversification strategy Market penetration strategy Product development strategy Among the four strategies listed above, market penetration strategy deals with the inclusion of a current existing product in the current market of the firm. Product development strategy analyse the strategies related to the introduction of new products in current existing market. Market development strategy deals with the introduction of the current products in the new markets for the firm and the last strategy, diversification strategy, deals with the introduction of new products in new markets (Grant 2016). The focus of this report is to analyse the product market expansion grid strategy to be analysed for Amazon Australia. Market Penetration Strategy Market penetration strategy is considered as an important market strategy that is analysed by the firms. It helps in framing the strategies that would help in raising the sales of the products that exist in the market, yet has not been successful in generating much sales in the market. They do not have the capability of attaining the demand of the consumers towards themselves. Hence, such strategies are framed that would be efficient enough to attract the demand towards themselves and generate revenue for the firm. Various ways are related to the adoption of such strategies that would be efficient enough to achieve the aim of the firm in relation to the demand for existing products in existing markets (Bertay, Demirg-Kunt and Huizinga 2013). One of the easiest way is to attract the customers of the firm by generating the advantages of the product, secondly it can also be done by attract the consumers of the rivals prevailing in the market. Amazon Australia has been quite popular in maintaining their strategies to thereby acquire the market power in the economy. to further stem their dominance i the country, the organization must enrol itself into certain websites that compare the prices of the products online. The organization must take the initiative of selling not only books, films and tv shows, yet it must also introduce its segments in launching new products on the retail segment of the market (Eckard et al. 2015). It must analyse its advantages in merging with certain brands that would sell their products only online through the use of Amazon website. this would help in attracting the consumers towards the organization and thereby increasing the sales and revenue generated in the long run. Market Development Strategy Market development strategy are helpful in expanding the market of the organization with respect to the adapting of the existing product of the organization n new markets. This helps in expanding the base of the firm and raising their market power by introducing their products in new forms of markets. Helps in generating sales and revenue of the firm. Market development plan could be done by changing the products characteristics in order to satisfy the demand of the new market consumers. There are several ways of entering the new market which may include geographical expansions (Dyer and Song 2015). Amazon Australia offers favourable market development terms by implementing its expansion in new geographies. market development strategies would enable the firm to introduce their existing products in new markets. this would help them in capturing new market share. Amazing Australia must aim at expanding their business all over the country as per their ability to pay. Amazon must introduce its major trends among the competitors of the new markets such as own produced books and electronic apps for reading books (Darkow 2015). Product Development Strategy Product development strategy is a useful strategy that helps in introducing a new product in the existing market. As per the change in the consumption style and demands of the consumer, it is quite beneficial for the organization to pertain flexibility in its systems. This would help the organization in adhering to the current needs of the consumers and raising its sales and revenue framework. The products that would be launched in the market, could be new or modifications of the existing products in the same market (Yuen 2014). The organization might also attract the consumers of the rival companies by implementing the introduction of certain products that the competitors have not been able to innovate so far. By doing so, the benefits to the organization would be quite appreciative in nature along with the provision of stability in the market. Product development has been considered as one of the major activities that have been undertaken by Amazon since its operational period. the organization has been successful in introducing certain products such as e-book reader Kindle, along with the tablet, Kindle Fire, designed and manufactured by Amazon itself to rival other tablets in the markets, mainly the iPad ofApple.these products must be promoted in the market of australia, where people have a wage rate. they spend more money in attaining the products of Apple, hence, amazon could be successful in providing the market consumers of the similar product, yet with cost advantageous factors associated. Hence, the organization would be efficient in analysing the prospects of the market and establishing stability in the country (Kang and Montoya 2014). Diversification strategy Diversification strategy is destined for the companies that are planning on the launch of new products into the market. Diversification can be achieved in the market in two ways concentric nd conglomerate. Concentric diversification would deal wit the strategies in which the company would operate in the related market and launch the products that would have similar characteristic with the products already being produced. This would provide the incentive for the fir to use the existing resources that are already present in the market. Conglomerate diversification is for the companies, which produce new products that are unrelated to the existing ones in the market (Bowen, Baker and Powell 2015). This strategy provides them with the opportunity to introduce a new as pectin the market. It accesses a greater associated risk with itself, yet, it carries a large proportion of profit along with it after being successful in launching the new product. Diversifying the products of the firm ha s to undergo certain risks and costs associated, yet it is quite beneficial in attracting the customer who were most awaited for the launch of such a product. Amazon takes the relateddiversification approach in which strategy development takes place beyond current products and markets, but within the capabilities orvalue network of the organisation.The firm has been flexibly promoting its new products and innovations throughout the markets. The Amazon must establish long term relationships with various strategic partners in Australia that would help them in establishing stable search generated engines. Amazon must analyse the application of effective economies of scope towards its resources. The company has a strong online base, which helps the firm in venturing into new markets through innovative online software that the chairman of the company has created. In order to formulate new markets with new products, the risk must be taken by such an appropriate company like Amazon (Weiss, Schneider and Lebid 2015). Amazon has the ability to capture new markets of gaming, books and music. It would be benefitted by the decisions taken due to its s trong base and abilities. Conclusion Market planning and penetration strategies are considered as an important aspect for organizations to expand their market share. Researching the criteria of the market would provide the organization with the initiatives to expansion the market. Amazon Australia has been quite efficient and appropriate in the years so far to analyse its business in the country by exploring new capabilities nd innovations in various sectors oif the country. The organization must enhance its market penetration, product diversified, market development and product development in the country that would help them in framing the efficient marketing framework. References Bertay, A.C., Demirg-Kunt, A. and Huizinga, H., 2013. Do we need big banks? Evidence on performance, strategy and market discipline. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 22(4), pp.532-558. Bowen, H.P., Baker, H.K. and Powell, G.E., 2015. Globalization and diversification strategy: A managerial perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31(1), pp.25-39. Darkow, I.L., 2015. The involvement of middle management in strategy developmentDevelopment and implementation of a foresight-based approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 101, pp.10-24. De Waal, G.A., 2016. An extended conceptual framework for product-market innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 20(05), p.1640008. Dyer, B. and Song, X.M., 2015. The relationship between strategy and conflict management: A Japanese perspective. In Proceedings of the 1995 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 126-132). Springer International Publishing. Eckard, K., Eaton, H., de Giacomo Araujo, M. and Smith, S., 2015. Rocket Internet: Clone Factory or Long-Term Stakeholder?. Grant, R.M., 2016. Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Guze, M., Luz, A.C., Paneque-Glvez, J., Maca, M.J., Orta-Martnez, M., Pino, J. and Reyes-Garca, V., 2014. Are ecologically important tree species the most useful? A case study from indigenous people in the Bolivian Amazon. Economic botany, 68(1), pp.1-15. Kang, W. and Montoya, M., 2014. The impact of product portfolio strategy on financial performance: The roles of product development and market entry decisions. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(3), pp.516-534. Mukherjee, S., Uzzi, B., Jones, B. and Stringer, M., 2016. A New Method for Identifying Recombinations of Existing Knowledge Associated with High?Impact Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33(2), pp.224-236. Prior, L. and Bowman, D.M.J.S., 2014. Shifting fire regimes of Australia, USA and the Brazilian Amazon. Reardon, J., Coe, B. and Miller, C., 2015. Exploration of Expansion and Associated Timing Strategies for International Market Entry. In Proceedings of the 1996 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 26-30). Springer International Publishing. Weiss, M., Schneider, D. and Lebid, J., 2015. Unfolding the concept of a TMT-diversification strategy fit. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 21(3/4), pp.139-158. Yuen, K.K.F., 2014. Fuzzy cognitive network process: comparisons with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in new product development strategy. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 22(3), pp.597-610.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion free essay sample

Hume Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by Davis Hume is a pretty heavy text full of many arguments each one with multiple sub arguments and countless premises. While reading I often found my self asking â€Å"what the hell does this mean† or â€Å"where does this even connect with the previous statement†. To be honest if it was not for spark notes I would be even more lost for words than I am now. However as I wade through the literary labyrinth which is Hume I discovered multiple themes that have lead me to one final thesis. Since it is impossible to determine true design through a priori argument alone, the only way to be comfortable with your faith (if you chose to have faith) is to basis it on undeterminable introspection, but one should rely more on skepticism than on faith alone. If we philosophize on God we soon realize no end can be accomplished through reason or observance of the empirical world so the only way to reach revelation is to accept our limited capacity of reason and evidence, to accomplish this we must become skeptics. We will write a custom essay sample on Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Just because you are a skeptic doesn’t mean you have to be atheist, Philo argues for skepticism through the whole dialogue by questioning everything Cleanthes and Demea have to say and by making speculative analogical arguments in defiance against those that Cleanthes or Demea make. So in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion I believe Philo makes the best argument against natural religion. To explain the persuasiveness of his arguments against natural religion you must first understand what natural religion is; it is the process of obtaining religious belief through gathering evidence and reasoning from that evidence. Any believer would immediately say you can look around and see that God exists but anyone who really cares about deriving a truth from real evidence would disagree. It is obviously impossible to presuppose anything about a God when everything we are taught about him leads us to believe he is unquestionable, however this doesn’t stand in the way of Philo. I may be just totally confused but it seems that Cleanthes contradicts what he says in previous chapters every time a new chapter arises but then again this is just Philo subtly leading him and testing his logic so that soon gives up on the argument of design, and just except skepticism as the healthier choice. In part IV Demea supposes a God that is perfectly immutable and simple, Cleanthes thinks this means that God had no mind and influence over the universe. Ignoring Cleanthes’ need for an anthropomorphic God, Philo goes on to bring up the persisting argument pertaining to reason; what really is the point of thinking about it? On page 72 Philo mentions the Indian philosopher and his elephant, he says â€Å"If the material world rest upon a similar ideal world, this idea world must rest upon some other and so on†. Philo is restating an idea of his that is recurrent through out the dialogues, when going beyond the mundane system, you only excite an inquisitive humor, which is impossible to ever satisfy. It is as if Philo is trying to get it through the head of Cleanthes that whatever argument of analogy or original cause of an effect that you bring into the discussion, there is just no point. It is a waste of time to stutter on such trivial matters, it is as if Philo would rather being doing something else than arguing. With part V Philo shows how science has broadened our understanding of the empirical world and thus has strengthened the argument against natural religion. Starting on page 76 Philo points out that the cause can only be proportioned to the effect and since our cognizance is limited to our experience and our experience is finite then how can you ascribe anything to God that is not finite. Philo follows this up by blowing Cleanthes’ mind, on page 77 he asks how Cleanthes could produce from his hypothesis a way to prove the unity of the deity. Philo says a great number of men can work together to construct something, so why may not several deities combine in contriving and framing a world? Philo takes his idea of polytheism and runs with it as a joke and ask why these Gods couldn’t have various sexes as well. This is a pretty awesome part of the book because Demea is freaking out and Philo says that these are Cleanthes’ suppositions because he was the one who lead us onto the idea of a finite God by arguing like effects prove like causes. Cleanthes however shakes this off and tells Philo he is happy that while he imagines such horror he still sticks close to the hypothesis of design. In Part VI Philo tries to back Cleanthes into a corner and tries to force him to renounce his argument by design and admit that our experience is limited, and in no way is a foundation for inferring larger truths. He says that any analogy could be made about God, this is where generation and vegetation come into play. Philo even brings up the idea of the universe being a body and God being the soul. For this to be true the universe would have to have sensory organs like and animal does. I for would like this theory, I could totally imagine different parts of the cosmos acting as sensory organs, but at a very large and undistinguishable scale. However with this analogy we have to assume the world is eternal along with God because if God, the soul is eternal and the universe is the body, then God could not have existed before the universe or body. Because carbon dating had not been discovered in Hume’s time Cleanthes is quick to disregard this argument of analogy by saying the world is young, on the premise that the human race is just now discovering never before seen continents and are transplanting animals and plants in new places. He thinks that if the world has been eternal along side God then all of this would have been done before. If Cleanthes truly believes what he has said then he is a Deist. Once again on page 84 Philo goes back to our narrow scoop of experience and says that there is no way to disprove or prove what I like to call matter recycling, the idea that what is happening now has already happened countless times before, that of course goes along with the idea of God and the universe being eternal, which I completely disagree. Through the whole dialogue Cleanthes struggles to find some way to justify the design argument, while Philo supposes extreme analogies but Cleanthes never seems to realize that all Philo is trying to do is show him that it is impossible to predict order in the universe with our narrowness of evidence. Philo proves to me his persuasiveness by not just his continue bombardment of contradictions or analogies of his own. He has earned my respect because he has remained so chill while never losing the eagerness which propels him toward his goal of proving skepticism the victor. By Part IX it seems that Philo’s way lesson has finally gotten through. Cleanthes and Demea starting on page 98 begin to argue about the cause of a effect where an infinite God is represented by a continuous chain of cause and effects with no end or what is called a necessarily existing thing which is a being that carries the reason of its own existence within itself. To debate this arguments Cleanthes must step further back from his original argument and admit that it is impossible to prove matters of fact with a priori argument. This is where I get excited, Philo broadens the spectrum and touches on what he calls a principle of necessity. This is close to my beliefs in the since that this principle is a law of nature, something like a mathematical rule that could be proven a postori through critical deduction. By part X Demea is setting himself up for a moral let down when he causes Philo to question the morality of God. However at the end of this chapter on page 112 Philo finally reveals his true position on the matter. Philo has already proven the worthlessness of a priori augments pertaining to natural religion while discouraging Cleanthes and horrifying Demea. I admire that I can comprehend and deny the claims of Cleanthes while Philo continuously blows my mind and brings me to not just an epic conclusion but an odd agreement as well. But while Philo proposes such a priori arguments he never ceases to exercise skepticism by constructing a disagreement to the exact analogy he had just theorized. He may assemble alternative views of natural religion but he is such a free thinker that he questions them as well. This gives him the ability to subtly argue against it and is why he is the victor in David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. Gibbs