Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 5

Operations Management - Essay Example In operation, technology is beneficial for handling and developing practices in both product and service distribution and comprehensive supply chain management. In present days, efficient process administration becomes essential for transitioning from traditional to modern industrial economy. The information flow related with the operational processes is a key motivation for employing more and more information technology (IT) based initiatives. The prime motive for implementing IT in operations management is to increase the speed, flexibility, dependability, and quality of operation procedures such as supply chain management, production management, quality management, and inventory management. IT can help to decrease the cost of excess time by reducing unnecessary operations in business (University of Virginia Darden School of Business, 2011). Technology in Operations Management The improvements in technology have changed the crucial features of operations management in several organ isations. Modern tools and technologies have been integrated in the plan and the operation of service and production systems. The ubiquity of IT including computers and internet has become obvious for many operations (Lari, 2002). Technology in Manufacturing Operations In current days, the technological advancements have presented new prospects for organizations to generate competitive advantage. Through employing technology in manufacturing procedure, organisations try to respond quicker to the requirements of customers, accomplish extensive selection of product offering and preserve high level of output. In the operations management of the manufacturing sector, technology can deliver exclusive benefit to organizations by providing superior products and services to the consumers. Technology can provide following benefits for manufacturing operations: Better machine operation: Technology based system can allow organisations to use machine to their highest capacity for manufacturing product faster Flexibility: Technology often improves the flexibility in arranging various works in an orderly way and it allows organisations to respond to the changes rapidly Simplicity of production change: Through technology, organisations can accommodate any modifications in production plan or procedure. Technology enables organisations to manage compound manufacturing operations with lesser effort and preferred quality Expansion of production: Technology helps organisations the flexibility to expand their production with response to the growing demand of market (Mahadevan, 2010). Analysis of Proctor & Gamble Proctor & Gamble which is one of the leading organisations in consumer products seeks to decrease the manufacturing expenses and increase the productivity of the organisation. To sustain in the leading position, Proctor & Gamble (P&G) needs to manufacture products quicker with less overhead expenses. It was necessary for minimizing the manufacturing cost of products. Thus, Proctor & Gamble had employed Predictive Adaptive Control (PAC) technology and ‘Overlapping Feed Technology’ in their manufacturing operations for achieving better speed and constant accuracy on production. P&G selected the Lima manufacturing facility for first implementation of those technologies to improve the material transfer procedure. As a result of PAC and

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