Friday, November 1, 2019

CRJS475IP3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CRJS475IP3 - Research Paper Example This amendment was introduced in 1789 in the Congress by James Madison. Under this amendment, any type of search and seizure including arrest is not allowed without a reasonable cause. A warrant must be issued for arrest or search by a law enforcement officer. The Supreme Court of the U.S. has outlined that the purpose of this amendment is to guarantee privacy, security, and dignity to citizens against invasion acts done by Government officials, regardless of the fact that the officer may be investigating a crime. However the major aim is to safe the citizens from ‘unreasonable’ search and seizure (Penven, 2012). However, in this case the investigators do not have warrants but they do have a probable cause to carry out a search. The probable cause defined by the court is when the facts reasonably show that a crime has been committed or is about to be committed. The investigators must have reasonable information or situation which leads a reasonable person to believe that a crime may be committed. Investigators must have legally sufficient reasons to carry out a search and believe that the search would uncover criminal activity (Henry, 2009). As in this case, the suspect had explosives in his house which are dangerous and can reasonably cause damage to the citizens around him. Moreover, the presence of computers, cell phones, and laptops gives the investigators reasonable cause to believe that he was involved or being involved in an indecent or criminal activity. The Fifth Amendment also sets boundaries for the police officers to carry out procedures fairly. It outlines that a person must not be answerable for a capital or infamous crime without the presence of a grand jury, nor should a person be held for the same crime twice, nor shall he be compelled to be a witness against himself in any case, nor he shall be deprived of life, liberty or property

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