Friday, August 28, 2020

Individual Management/Leadership Style

There are barely any, more blazing subjects in the executives, business and association hypothesis right now than ‘leadership'. Initiative is the square at the highest point of the model of a decent group, not on the grounds that it is generally significant, but since it is a definitive objective of a powerful, proficient group. A decent pioneer shares duty and greatness, is steady and reasonable, makes an atmosphere of trust and transparency, and is a decent mentor and educator. However the trial of a really decent pioneer is that the group works as easily whether the pioneer is available or missing. Critical thinking, dynamic, group interest and compromise are basic authority exercises. Infrequently, are there any dead convictions in the realm of business †particularly in the current and predictable atmosphere of vulnerability, equivocalness and oddity. Dread of disappointment, subsequent hazard avoidance and hesitance to move a long way from ‘safe ground' or safe places can seriously confine the quality pertinence and nature of choices taken by those in administrative and influential positions (Autry 50).Problem solvingSuccessful critical thinking includes a quest for the best issue space just as the best program. Critical thinking includes preparing data. This is a three phase process:1. Perceiving the errand condition. Initial, one sees the occasions, deciphers these imagines and perceives the idea of the taskâ€e.g. notice uneasiness in the workplace and see that the undertaking is to recognize how the anxiety can be resolved.2. Change into the person’s issue space. Next one perspectives the errand with a certain goal in mind. Here one must be very explicit about the goalâ€what must be done, where one stands in relationship to the objective and what sorts of acts should be done so as to arrive at the objective. For instance, as a matter of fact one will realize that one can't hop to any brisk decisions about the wellspring of the uneasiness in the workplace yet will realize how to start discovering the wellspring of the disquiet.3. Handling the information and moving towards the objective. Contingent upon how the difficult space has been imagined, one uses different sorts of data given with the issue or attracted from memory to process the information in order to move towards the difficult arrangement. For instance, in the delineation one will have had understanding, of diagnosing issues of turmoil in the workplace and will have the option to call upon this experience alongside data noted which is explicit to the current circumstance in the office.In the course of working through the above advances the difficult solver will see whether any of the means or arrangement of steps the individual in question makes decreases the separation to the goalâ€i.e. settling or taking care of the issue. In the event that this is by all accounts the case, at that point the difficult solver will proceed with that line of enquiry. On the off chance that the means don't appear to be gainful, at that point elective advances will be followed. Progress and quest for arrangements are identified with steady criticism of data acquired from individuals and items in the issue situation.Problem fathoming includes the quest for the best projects. Notwithstanding, fruitful critical thinking may less be a quest for an effective program as a quest for the best issue space. No doubt, in any case, that both are required to improve the probability of discovering great answers for problems.Decision makingDecision making is compelling when the pioneer knows about and utilizes numerous techniques to show up at choices. Accord is regularly touted as the most ideal approach to make decisionsâ€and it is an amazing strategy and likely not utilized frequently enough. In any case, the group the leaser likewise utilizes larger part rule, master choice, authority rule with conversation, and other methods.Effective dynamic is basic to a group's advancement; preferably, pioneers that are approached to take care of issues ought to likewise have the force and power to actualize arrangements. They should have a grip of different dynamic techniques, their points of interest and impediments, and when and how to utilize each. Pioneers that pick the correct dynamic strategies at the perfect time won't just spare time, yet they will likewise frequently make the best decisions.A key part of the pioneer's dynamic style, in realizing gainful cooperative energy, is the capacity to make open doors for discourse and imparted reflection to others which lead to joint responsibility for, arrangements and choices. Correspondence is significant in the normal advancement of cooperative energy. Straightforward strategies, for example, the utilization of open-finished inquiries can assist with fortifying compatibility as a vital fundamental to top correspondence, eg:†¢ ‘How might we be able to do that better?'â € ¢ ‘What would be a reasonable alternative that would give us ‘x' yet would abstain from doing ‘y'?'†¢ ‘What might you truly want to witness here?'†¢ ‘What would you do?†¦ What might you do next?†¦ and then?'†¢ ‘How might we be able to make  £50,000 saving money on the primary phase of undertaking ABC?'†¢ ‘Let's take your concept of beginning with item advancement †at that point how about we see it from showcasing's viewpoint, before we focus on a decision'.†¢ ‘I like your proposition †we should expand on that and check whether we can enhance Graham's target'.The asking of ‘open' questions, in a non-compromising, non-critical way, with suitable chaperon non-verbal communication, eg gesturing, ‘mirroring' stance and signal, strengthening and adding to different's commitments †are basic, yet significant methods for giving positive messages of endorsement and support. A ve rifiable move from tyrant to obligingly definitive attitude might be fundamental, before top correspondence, cooperative energy and ‘flow' †demonstrating individual validness in dynamic †can come to fruition between individuals, with the resultant common and shared payoffs.In the interests of both operational collaboration and key crossfunctional reliance, alleged ‘private aiming' in dynamic needs to work at a level which accommodates the requirement for quick, versatile individual activity, from one viewpoint, with important community oriented reactions, on the other. As associations decrease, progressively, and become compliment structures, with more noteworthy accentuation upon venture group working, so dynamic should be considered progressively, as a characteristic group process, just as an individual job right †especially as urgent final products come increasingly more to depend, eventually, after willing and responsible community oriented effort.Team participationA group is a gathering of individuals who share a typical reason and work in a planned and reliant relationship. Groups assist individuals with making a positive culture; one distinguished by high-trust levels. Group connections permit individuals to line up with the way of life and the team’s purposes. They lead to cooperative energy. Fruitful pioneers who focus on †and convey †extraordinary outcomes, do as such because of the viable administration and the executives of their groups. They comprehend that their course to progress is, unavoidably through connecting with, centering and activating others' intellectual prowess, strength and commitment.Team support draws in the psychological and enthusiastic inclusion of pioneers and devotees: that is, the association of the member’s self images just as their physical and intellectual abilities. Joining likewise requests that individuals practice their imaginative self and to build their own awarenes s of other's expectations through inclusion. Colleagues need to perceive that the enterprise needs their all out contribution. What's more, when given, contribution expands the member’s awareness of other's expectations and proprietorship for the company and its results.If correspondence is the most significant group trademark, cooperation is the second generally significant. Without support, you don't have a group; you have a gathering of bodies. Adjusted investment guarantees that everybody in the group is completely included. It doesn't imply that on the off chance that you have five individuals each is talking 20 percent of the time. Talking isn't really a proportion of interest. We as a whole know individuals who ramble and state nothing. It implies that every individual is contributing when it's suitable. The more a group includes the entirety of its individuals in its exercises, the almost certain that group is to encounter an elevated level of duty and cooperative ene rgy (Depree 52).Balanced investment implies that each colleague joins the conversation when their commitment is relevant to the group task. It likewise implies that everybody's feelings are looked for and esteemed by others in the group. Cooperation is everybody's obligation. As a group moves from a shaping stage to progressively develop phases of gathering advancement, colleagues must verify that everybody is a functioning member. In the event that you have colleagues who didn't take an interest from the get-go in the development of the group, they will pull back significantly more as the going turns out to be increasingly troublesome. Two significant things impact group cooperation: the pioneer's conduct and the members' expectations.A pioneer's conduct comes as much from mentality as from anything. Pioneers who are compelling in getting interest consider their to be just like a mentor and guide, not the master in the circumstance. Pioneers will get more cooperation from colleague s on the off chance that they can confess to requiring help, not power. Pioneers ought to likewise determine the sort of investment they need directly from the beginning. Will everybody share their own thoughts and afterward choose what to do or will the gathering examine the upsides and downsides of the pioneer's idea?Leaders need to make a participative atmosphere. They should make it a training to talk last to abstain from affecting others. Frequently a pioneer may put a thought on the table â€Å"just to get things started.† But what occurs? Everybody hops on the thought and quits reasoning. Individuals may feel, â€Å"Well, if that is the thing that she needs, that is it.† Lead

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What Is a Term Paper Structure?

What Is a Term Paper Structure?The term paper structure is basically a part of term paper writing. If you're new to this idea, I'd like to present you with a very useful structure that will help you write better and get it accepted by your professor.First of all, the term paper structure is used in organizing the research. It's very simple. You can use a template that will allow you to arrange and give emphasis to certain parts. It will save you a lot of time, energy and effort.When writing for research papers, one of the most common problems is that they're often too lengthy. This is very bad because you need to get a grade, but it doesn't mean that you have to finish the whole thing in the end. To prevent that, it's important to write your research in an organized manner. A structure is a great tool to help you do this.A term paper structure is not just a simple structure where you give importance to the structure in which you're writing the term paper. It's actually also a system that allows you to have a clearer concept of what you're trying to accomplish.The term paper structure is actually a method that contains a set of steps that you should follow when writing the term paper. In fact, the term paper structure can be considered as a series of steps that you should follow. You need to start at the first step in order to follow through each step in the future. So basically, this method will allow you to start on a new topic, continue to write and finish it with the final.For example, you might start with an introduction and that will include the first paragraph. You'll continue writing the body and the conclusion. This way, you won't forget the other steps and you can make them all easy to follow. If you do it that way, you won't be too worried about the term paper structure.There are also those who may not have knowledge on how to use a term paper structure. This is something that can help. It will save you a lot of time because you won't have to be confu sed on what you're supposed to do. These structures are usually easy to follow and this is one of the main reasons why they're so helpful.Finally, there are those who don't know about the term paper structure. This is the reason why there are still some people who don't know that these structures are really helpful. You can surely start enjoying better grades if you know how to use a term paper structure.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Human Resourse Management in Pakistan Free Essays

HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGEMENT IN PAKISTAN (Major Human recourses challenges in Pakistan general wellbeing framework, Human Recourse framework strategies and approaches to address those difficulties) Introduction Human assets are the core of the wellbeing framework and social insurance chiefs have a basic job in assurance of execution of the framework [1]. Our reserve funds and speculation level can be raised just when we are in a situation to change over our useless and underutilized human and common assets into dynamic and self-supported capital and potential quickening agent of monetary development. The World Health Organization (WHO) has characterized the wellbeing workforce as â€Å"all individuals fundamentally occupied with activities with the essential aim of upgrading health†. We will compose a custom paper test on Human Resourse Management in Pakistan or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now This definition is steady with the WHO meaning of wellbeing frameworks as containing all exercises with the essential objective of improving wellbeing. The wellbeing workforce is one of the most significant mainstays of the wellbeing framework. Sufficient numbers and nature of wellbeing laborers have been decidedly connected with fruitful execution of wellbeing mediations, including inoculation inclusion, effort of essential consideration, and newborn child, kid and maternal endurance. 2] Human Resource Management is a key to improve profitability of individuals in the association. Great Human asset the executives approach with key, moral and social obligation which further assistance to accomplish association objective and destinations. Human Resource the board is a workmanship to change changes as representative duty and opportunity through building up their insight aptitudes and rousing them. In creating nation human asset players are viewed as important since they can fill in as astuteness of an association. A faithful, devoted, gifted, proficient and gainful HR is significant resources of an association yet not pondered the asset report. [3] Pakistan story In 1947, Pakistan was made as British standard reached a conclusion in India. In 1971, East Pakistan requested freedom, and after a grisly polite war it was changed into what is presently the nation of Bangladesh. As one of the most packed nations on the planet, Pakistan faces tremendous monetary and social emergencies. Luckily, notwithstanding, it has a bounty of common assets that can assist it with defeating these difficulties [4] Pakistan is honored with colossal characteristic and HR however the majority of these are in rough structure. â€Å"According to authentic information, there are 127,859 specialists and 12,804 wellbeing offices in the nation to provide food for more than 170 million individuals. † [5] â€Å"Infant death rate: 72/1,000 live birth, Maternal death rate: 260/100,000 live birth rather having 7. 8 Physicians/10,000 populace, 3. Medical attendants and maternity specialists/10,000 populace; generally speaking 11. 6 Health care workforce/10,000 populace in the country† [6] In Pakistan the wellbeing framework remains practically feeble and the nature of wellbeing administrations is poor, in spite of old protected help for human services as a privilege and an enormous Ministry of Health at government and commonplace levels [7, 8]. In Pakistan wellbeing part execution has not been assessed as far as data sources, procedures or exercises and yields for various kinds of assets including HR. Almost no is thought about arrangements of wellbeing directors, their abilities, and preparing, and spec ifically the approach for sending. The as a matter of first importance essential for HR progress is the correct regard for the wellbeing part. No country can fantasy about procuring superiority in any field with wiped out and incapacitated people so created countries put a serious strong sum in their wellbeing division. In Pakistan, sadly, due consideration isn't paid to this significant area. HR for wellbeing have as of late been stressed as a focal segment in giving a more grounded wellbeing framework to accomplish the Millennium Development Goals [9]. Nonappearance or nonimplementation of suitable human asset arrangements that address proper quantities of staff, their capabilities, sending, working conditions, and sexual orientation circulation are related with numerous issues in the wellbeing work power [10]. Recurrence of turnover of key administrative staff has additionally been related with poor framework execution [11]. Human Resource Development and Management challenges Pakistan has been sorted as one of 57 nations that are confronting a HRH emergency, beneath the limit level characterized by WHO to convey the fundamental wellbeing mediations required to arrive at Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 [12]. Wellbeing workforce methodology is normally low on a country’s motivation, in spite of the understanding that scaling-up wellbeing mediations to reach MDGs is beyond the realm of imagination without a base degree of wellbeing workforce. National wellbeing workforce procedures require solid and convenient data, levelheaded framework examination and a firm information base. Nonetheless, information examination, inquire about on HRH and specialized mastery are as yet immature in numerous nations, to a limited extent because of low interest in HRH [13]. Pakistan’s new draft National wellbeing approach 2009 commanded the improvement of procedures in different key zones, including HRH [14] There is an absence of clear long haul vision for human asset advancement and the government MOH or common DOH doesn't have a unit, answerable for such a significant wellbeing framework work. [15] The uneven characters in wellbeing workforce as far as framework, sex and dispersion are notable in Pakistan. The open division proceeds to vigorously put its rare assets in the improvement of clinical schools and colleges instead of putting resources into improving quality and amount of nursing organizations, general wellbeing schools and professionals preparing foundations. With regards to wellbeing framework improvement, there is a genuine deficiency of qualified wellbeing framework masters, for example, wellbeing and human res ource organizers, wellbeing business analysts, wellbeing data specialists and wellbeing framework and emergency clinic supervisors. Pre - administration preparing of wellbeing experts follows conventional techniques and there is a bungle between instructive targets, which center around emergency clinic based consideration, rather than tending to the requirements of the networks for promotive, preventive therapeudic and rehabilitative administrations. The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) is answerable for enlistment, permitting and assessment of the clinical and dental specialists, the endeavors made by PMDC have not emerged at this point. Guideline of private professionals and distinctive customary classes of clinical practice, for example, homeopathic specialists and Yunani Hakims is non-existent. Human Resource in medicinal services isn't suitably arranged in Pakistan, with the outcome that there are a greater number of specialists than attendants, lack of prepared birthing specialists, urban fixation, cerebrum channel from rustic to urban territories and abroad, alongside different issues identified with educational program, nature of graduates and their proceeding with management. The administration structure for wellbeing laborers is ineffectively characterized it, favors residency over fitness, to a great extent disregards specialized limits and doesn't permit motivations or prizes for execution. The lead of training for clinical, nursing and related frameworks is for the most part traditional and doesn't use ongoing improvements in the field of clinical instruction. In spite of the fact that educational programs have been reconsidered every now and then, in dominant part of cases they are not locally contextualized and are not founded on capabilities and abilities. There is no sorted out framework for proceeding with clinical training for any wellbeing suppliers who are likewise to a great extent solo and now and again sick furnished with more current information/abilities to handle rising maladies. This remains constant for the executives frameworks also. The wellbeing framework is right now not helpful for medical caretakers, birthing specialists and associated wellbeing experts assuming urgent jobs in guaranteeing the arrangement and conveyance of viable essential social insurance benefits in th e nonappearance of specialists. Wellbeing specialists still can't seem to be persuaded that PHC administrations can be effectively given and conveyed by medical caretakers, maternity specialists and united wellbeing experts making up neighborhood groups with the important staffing supplement and abilities blend. [14] All freely utilized specialists are illegal from rehearsing secretly and a significant number of them get non rehearsing recompenses as a component of their non compensation remittances under the law of the nation, That regardless, the majority of them run worthwhile private area centers while working in emergency clinics and regularly utilize the open segment influence to support rehearses in private office settings. Various dishonest practices, for example, declining to see patients I n medical clinics and alluding them to private centers are settled and are nearly viewed as a traditional standard. Supplier rolled over-utilization of wellbeing administrations, over-solution, and over-utilization of diagnostics just as infringement of moral rules in clinical practice are entrenched in Pakistan. As far as the morals of human services alone, visit infringement of the four fundamental standards of: the Right to independence, Right to protection, Right to pick and Right to data are regularly observed. 17] High pace of successive exchange and posting is likewise a significant explanation of low degrees of execution in general wellbeing part. An investigation was directed on the 54 top commonplace workplaces in the administration of Sindh Department of Health over the time of 24 years (1981-2004). There were 689 exchanges/postings made in the 54 key workplaces concentrated over the multi year timespan. Practically half (48. 9%) of these postings endured no longer than 1 year. The workplaces influenced most elevated were tertiary/region care emergency clinics (54 tim es) and region wellbeing workplaces (multiple times) individually. 18] Recommendation and need activities towards Human asset advancement Since the Pakistan is enhanced with human res

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Key to Successful Religion and Politics Essay Topics

The Key to Successful Religion and Politics Essay Topics All these scenarios may be used successfully to compose a reflective essay. When you have brainstormed the ideas and develop a couple topics, it's a good idea that you analyze the resources offered and discover out whether there is any you can utilize to compose a well-researched paper. Attempt to be creative and think of original topics. The contents you incorporate into the essay writing. The essay would begin with the introduction. Remember that you may count on our professional essay writers and editors who can assist! Argumentative writings is a particular sort of a paper. For students who might not be in a position to grasp the meaning and differences existing among them both, we advise that they ought to access our library which has a dense selection of science and religion essay topics they can choose. When writing an essay on religion, the very first issue to put in mind while approaching it is to realize that religion is a distinctive discipline unlike other studies like science. Therefore, a simple method to select one of many theology essay topics is to concentrate on your own opinion about religion and explore it from that point. Don't hesitate to browse through our sample topics to find some inspiration. To totally understand the political process an individual should have lots and tons of understanding of the way our society operates. It's a practice demands in-depth research and something which you shouldn't rush over in the event you do not wish to make the incorrect option. If you don't sleep well, you're interrupting the process to keep up your general wellness. The procedure for secularization resulted in the evolution of a secular state in India. Religion shouldn't be mixed with politics because it is going to deviate the responsibilities of religious leaders. It is an integral part of the life of modern society. It has long been an influential factor in the life of every country. It is a very sensitive subject matter for most people because most religious people strongly believe in their doctrines. Along the very same lines, inspect the places where religion and politics intersect in different faiths. Elections in these counties are also heavily affected by the religious views, which could ultimately project the results of the vote. Nevertheless, it needs to be clear from human history that religion and politics can't be separated. It's possible for you to outline why you think North and South Korea can unite or why it's not possible. The Do's and Don'ts of Religion and Politics Essay Topics Despite lacking a crystal clear organization like modern religions, it has ever played a prominent part in various societies. Typically, religion is a significant cause of political violence and wars around the world. Being a real follower of a religion will turn you into a special person in the society and not just make you an individual but more over make you a much better human. The key practices, held by the religion, lie in the existence of rituals, which are lots of actions tak en to address the sacred facets. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Religion and Politics Essay Topics Is Wrong Reflective essay samples will demonstrate that you are able to adopt a fairly informal writing style with a bit of creativity. Choosing great research paper topics is the vital success element. Next, be certain that there is some current research on this issue and that you won't experience challenges gathering information. Political science is just one of the broadest subjects because it has many theories, ideas, and concepts. After you have decided how most visited seniors online dating service in germany you wish to utilize your yard and precisely what features you want to include, the next step is considering your financial plan. One of the greatest methods to get inspired for inventing an excellent topic is seeing other amazing examples. When you own a list before your eyes, it is going to be simpler to compose your mind and get started considering a s pecific matter. Take your time to thoroughly examine our cause and effect topics list till you locate a prompt that you're excited to write about.

Friday, May 15, 2020

A Research Study On Animal Research - 961 Words

Imagine waking up one morning to find your husband or wife lying unconscious in bed spewing a pool of black bile from their mouth and onto the pillow gently supporting their head. Imagine having to call the paramedics to rush your loved one to the emergency room only to find out that your partner has been diagnosed with a rare and deadly disease. Imagine the frustration you feel when the doctor pulls you to the side of the waiting room to inform you that a vaccine has proven to be effective in treating this disease in lab rats. Would you accept the doctor’s suggestion and have your soul mate be treated with this vaccine not knowing whether or not it would work? Or knowing that the cure may have come from unwilling test animals? Or would you ultimately let nature run its course and let your spouse die? Over the years, animal research has led to the development of numerous vaccines and cures that are now used to save lives in several countries across the globe. Scientists and do ctors alike acknowledge this and recognize how essential and beneficial animals are in biomedical research. However, before discussing the different views that are associated with conducting biomedical research experiments on animals, one must understand its history. It is a common misconception that animal research is a new scientific and medical practice, but it is actually an ancient procedure. Animal research began in ancient Greece, â€Å"†¦ where Greek physician-scientists, such as Aristotle andShow MoreRelatedA Research On Human And Animal Studies773 Words   |  4 PagesMy dissertation research has provided successful evidence of non-pharmacological approach to personal precision medicine. Human and animal studies both in vitro and in vivo have provided potential mechanotransduction pathways underlying bone regeneration and remodeling. 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Concerns regarding when animal studies are necessary compared to clinical trials has been a debatable topic among society. For over a decade, animal research has served as a fundamental component in many medical findings. Mousses are commonly used in laboratories, as we as humans share nearly 95% of our genes, making them a useful and efficient model for the assistance of discovering medications used today (Grant, 2017). Bench studies sh ould continue to be practiced by researchersRead MoreDiscuss How and Why Particular Research Methods Are Used at the Biological Level of Analysis1242 Words   |  5 PagesLearning outcome: Discuss how and why particular research method are used at the biological level of analysis. The biological level of analysis in psychology refers to the study of how human behaviour, thoughts and emotions can be affected and affect the biological factors/ physiology of human body. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case Study of Csd Industry, Rte Industry and Specialty...

A Comparison of the Carbonated Soft Drink, Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal and Specialty Coffee Industries Using Porters Five Forces Michael Porter’s framework describes an industry as being influenced by five forces: buyer power, supplier power, threat of substitutes, threat of new entrants and the degree of rivalry between existing firms within the industry. A strategic business manager can use Porter’s model to more clearly understand the industry environment in which its firm operates and to therefore develop a competitive edge over rival firms. After analyzing the carbonated soft drink, ready-to-eat breakfast cereal and specialty coffee industries using this framework, I found that the three industries were very similar in their†¦show more content†¦According to the Cola Wars case, a bottling plant could cost as much as 75 million dollars and â€Å"Coke and Pepsi each required close to 100 plants to provide effective nationwide distribution.† (Yoffie , 3). Additionally, Coke and Pepsi have deals with many distribution channels; such as cooperative merchandising agreements and franchise agreements with their bottlers that forbids the bottlers from carrying â€Å"directly competing brands.† (Yoffie, 3). These agreements limited the ability of new entrants to utilize the distribution channels that would make them successful in the industry. Lastly, Coke, Pepsi and Cadburry Schwepps claimed about 89.3 percent of the soft drink industry, with Coke and Pepsi accounting for the majority. The ability of a new entrant to wedge itself between these highly established branded firms and their loyal consumers is nearly impossible. Likewise, brand loyalty to the major firms in the ready-to-eat cereal industry was strong as these companies alone accounted for 59% percent of the industries’ sales by volume in 1993 and for about 86 percent of market shares in the industry. (Corts, 2). Also similar to the carbonated soft drink industry are the rest of the major barriers to entry in the ready-to-eat cereal industry: capital requirements, access to distribution channels

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Direct Democracy in America free essay sample

These processes are especially popular in the state of California. The roots of these procedures in the United States go all the way back to colonial times, and were adopted in the forms we know today during the progressive era. Many people believe that voters are not competent or informed well enough to make rational decisions, which is not a factual claim. While these processes are very popular today, most of the founding fathers were very wary of democracy, especially direct democracy. The times are much different now, people are more informed, and democracy today is very different than it was when The Constitution was being written. Initiative, referendum, and recall are important institutions in American Democracy that allow the people to become involved in the legislative process, and although they conflict with a key belief of the founding fathers, the voters of today are informed enough to make competent decisions. Initiative is a process that enables voters to bypass legislators by putting proposed statutes on the ballot directly or indirectly. In Direct initiative, proposals that qualify go directly onto the ballot. In Indirect initiative, proposals that qualify are sent to the legislature, and if they are voted down will then go to the ballot. Referendum is a term that refers to a measure on the ballot. There are two types of referenda: legislative and popular. Legislative referenda deal with things like changes to the state constitution and tax changes, which some states require approval of by voters. Popular referenda allow citizens to approve or repeal a law passed by the legislature. The recall process allows voters to remove and replace a public official before their term is complete, and can be seen as impeachment by the people. For any of these procedures to end up on the ballot there are several criteria that need to be met, which vary from state to state. Generally the process involves filing a petition with the state, review of the petition for conformity with the state’s requirements, preparation of the title and summary, circulation of a petition to obtain a set number of signatures, and verification of the signatures. If these requirements are met then the measure will appear on the ballot to be approved or rejected by the voters. Initiative, referendum and recall have a long history in the United States. The roots of these procedures can be traced back to colonial times. Citizens of colonial New England proposed, discussed, and voted on local ordinances at open town hall meetings. Thomas Jefferson was more receptive of democracy than his contemporaries, and advocated several direct democracy devices. This process can be seen as the predecessor to the current referendum process. In 1778, Massachusetts became the first state to hold a legislative referendum for the approval of its constitution. This procedure quickly caught on among other states, and by the end of the 19th century almost all states had decided to have their constitutions approved by referendums. In the 1800s Congress made referendum mandatory for constitutional changes by states entering the union after 1857. The progressive era of the late 1800s and early 1900s brought about the processes of direct democracy as they are used today. People began to realize that they had no means to control legislators that were out of touch with the needs of the people and governing in their own interests. This dissatisfaction is what inspired the progressive movement. This trend spread thanks to several key figures in American politics at the time. Various populist parties such as The Grangers, Farmers’ Alliance, and the People’s (Populist) party were three popular groups advocating direct democracy procedures. Proponents of direct democracy often cited the success it had in Switzerland, which was one of the biggest economies at the time. By the end of the century, direct democracy devices were not just ideas supported by radical populists, but ideas supported by a large part of the American public. This is attributed to the expensive public opinion campaigns run by John Haynes in California and Herbert Bigelow in Ohio. In 1898 South Dakota became the first state to adopt a statewide initiative and popular referendum process with a campaign led by Fr. Robert Haire. Today 24 states have adopted initiative processes, 26 have referendum, and 19 have recall. We have a government that is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people. Common citizens use direct democracy processes to remind politicians that this means all people, not just wealthy donors and special interests. Since their adoption the broad goal of these processes has been to be a check on elected officials, whether that is accomplished by bypassing the legislature, applying governmental reforms, or removing unpopular officials from office. In the past several decades, initiatives have been one of the most important means for changing public policy. Initiatives are often used to pass legislation that legislatures would not normally pass themselves. Some initiatives deal with civil rights and liberties such as giving women the right to vote, the eight hour workday, and the abolition of poll taxes. Initiatives are often used to enact popular reforms. Voters have used initiatives to require direct primaries for nomination and campaign finance reform. In the 1990s Colorado started the term-limit movement by approving an initiative that enacted term limits for state office holders. Many states soon followed suit and passed similar initiatives. By passing governmental reforms voters can remind politicians that they are ultimately accountable to them, not the moneyed interests or themselves. Initiatives are also used to enact policies that deal with moral issues that politicians may not want to take a side on like physician assisted suicide, prohibition, the death penalty, medical marijuana, and state funded abortions. In 1998, voters in Washington passed an initiative that legalized medical marijuana by a margin of 59-41. This was a law the people of the state overwhelmingly approved of, but something that a politician would never vote for. The voters in Washington stood up for themselves and voiced their opinion at a time when their state government wasn’t listening. A study by David Megleby of Brigham Young University breaks down into numbers what voters use initiatives to accomplish since the 1970s. He says that three-fifths of initiatives concern government spending, public morality or political reform; One quarter seek to regulate business or labor or deal with the environment; Finally, initiatives that deal with civil rights, liberties, health, welfare, and education are rare. In the most recent years initiatives have mostly been concerned with governmental reform. Referenda can be used in several ways. The most common way is to approve amendments to a state’s constitution. Currently, 49 states require a popular vote to approve amendments to their constitutions, the exception being Alabama. Referenda are also used to repeal unpopular legislation. A recent example of this is Ohio’s Issue 2, which was on the ballot this year. This referendum asked voters whether or not to uphold the controversial anti-union law Senate Bill 5. The referendum failed to pass, instantly killing passage of the bill. Ohio voters exercised their rights and repealed a law that would have affected over 650,000 Ohioans. Some states also require referenda for bond measures and tax changes. This gives the public a say in how much money they have to give their state, which also means politicians have someone to share the blame with if people become unhappy with the tax rates. Recall elections are used to remove unpopular officials from office before their term is completed. This can motivate elected officials to stick to promises made on the campaign trail, and not to violate voter trust. The first successful recall was on California state senator Marshall Black in 1913. A somewhat recent example of this is the recall of California governor Gray Davis in 2003, one of only two successful efforts to recall a governor. Gov. Davis was not very popular in his first term, and won his second term by a narrow margin. The voters gave Gov. Davis a second chance, and he blew it. He was recalled and replaced by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Currently voters in Wisconsin are mobilizing an effort to recall Governor Scott Walker. Earlier this year Walker championed a bill to curb the collective bargaining rights of state employees that received much criticism both in Wisconsin and the entire nation. The voters are now ready to exercise their right to remove him from office and will begin collecting signatures on Tuesday, November 15. Direct democracy processes do not solely need to be used to make policy, but can also be used to give legislators a â€Å"wake up call† that their constituents are not happy. A recent example of this is Governor John Kasich’s response to the recent failure of Issue 2 in Ohio, which was a referendum to uphold the passage of the controversial collective bargaining law Senate Bill 5. After the referendum’s failure Governor John Kasich responded by saying The people have spoken clearly. You dont ignore the public. Look, I also have an obligation to lead. Ive been leading since the day I took this office, and Ill continue to do that. But part of leading is listening and hearing what people have to say to you. Gov. Kasich knows that his constituents are not happy and that he must try to regain their trust. California is the birthplace of the modern movement to make use of the initiative process, and continues to be the birthplace of national movements through the use of this process. In 1978, California voters approved Proposition 13, which cut property taxes dramatically. Within two years, 43 states enacted some form of property tax limit. In addition to being the catalyst to the modern initiative movement, Californians have proven that initiatives are a very effective way of making policy. The initiative process plays a larger role in California policymaking than it does in any other state. 40 percent of California’s budget is driven by one initiative, Proposition 98, which set minimum funding for education, and for the most part has been followed. Californians have used the initiative process to pave the way for popular movements around the country. One example of this is Proposition 215. In 1995 voters in California passed proposition 215, making California the first state to legalize medical marijuana. Since then 15 other states and the District of Columbia have followed suit. The State of California has embraced procedures of direct democracy more than any other state, and can be seen as an example of how direct democracy is supposed to be utilized. Opponents of direct democracy devices often claim that voters are not adequately informed to make competent decisions on complex policy issues. They cite the little attention most citizens pay to these issues, the questionable reliability of the sources voters use to inform themselves, and the likelihood of voters to think only about short term interests. A study done in 1980 asked voters themselves how informed they felt they were when making their decisions about ballot issues. Although only 57 percent felt they were adequately informed in September, by the time November came 78 percent of likely voters felt they were informed adequately enough to make a decision. This shows that voters are taking the effort to educate themselves on the issues. Today we live in a society where information is more readily available than ever, so it is not hard for voters to educate themselves on these issues. Also, if someone is concerned enough with the policy direction of their state to make the effort to vote, they are most likely concerned enough to make an effort to educate themselves on the issues just like they do with the candidates. Arthur Lupia makes an argument that although many individual voters are not informed, enough are to make the group as a whole competent enough to make an informed decision. He says that although all voters are not adequately informed, with a sample size as large as an entire state, the probability that a particular voter is well informed only has to be slightly more than half to have a very high group competency level. Since the more educated you are the more likely you are to vote, it is a reasonable assumption that this probability is over half. Also, voters who pay little attention to public affairs are more likely to only vote for candidates and skip the ballot issues. This is more evidence that the probability of a particular voter being adequately informed is over half. A study done by James A. Maeder after the 1980 general election showed that voters are not short minded in voting on initiatives. In an election cycle in which Ronald Reagan won the state and their incumbent democratic senator was defeated, the voters rejected a tax cut despite the conservative trend at the time because they understood it would be bad for the fiscal health of their state in the long term. Contrary to the beliefs of many critics, the electorate is capable of thinking with their long term interests in mind. The founding fathers of the United States mostly preferred representative government to direct democracy because they did not trust the common citizen to govern in the common interest, but instead would govern in their short term narrow interests. In 1787, Alexander Hamilton said â€Å"The People are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. † The founding fathers were so wary of democracy that in the Constitution in its original form only provided for one half of one branch of the federal government to be directly elected by the people. This is because democracy was different in the early days of the country. In those times candidates would often throw large parties in the town square and get the townspeople all liquored up to the point of near riot in order to vote for them. Voters today, however, are much more informed and sophisticated than they were in the 18th century. They also have information on public affairs that is more readily available than it was in the 18th century. Although direct democracy devices contrast with the beliefs of the founding fathers, we live in very different times; times where voters are more educated and less superficial in their decision making. Initiative, referendum, and recall are important institutions in American Democracy that allow the people to become involved in the legislative process, and although they conflict with a key belief of the founding fathers, the voters of today are informed enough to make competent decisions. Initiative, referendum and recall are an integral part of American democracy, and have been since before the country’s formation. These processes were introduced into the modern political system during the progressive era, and are still popular today.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Production system Essay Example

Production system Essay The production system is viewed as a combination of the materials supply, production planning, scheduling, control and material transformation functions. Together, these functions must respond to demands set either directly by customer orders (in a make to order situation), or to production orders generated by an inventory control function (in a make to stock scenario) Production/Factory responsiveness Production factory responsiveness can be defined in a number of ways: A responsive factory is a factory which is agile. Agility is defined as quick moving, nimble and active. Agility is the ability to thrive and prosper in a competitive environment of continuous and unanticipated change, to respond quickly to rapidly changing markets driven by customer-based valuing of products and services. Responsiveness is the ability of a production system to respond to disturbances (originating inside or outside the manufacturing organisation) which impact upon production goals. Typical disturbances might include, for example, the receipt of rush orders, machine breakdowns or degradations or variations in raw material supply. The disturbances may be internal or external and importantly their effect may be either positive or negative. Range of Production Environments and Responses Agility and Response Agility is described as the ability of a company to operate â€Å"profitably in a competitive environment of continually, and unpredictably, changing customer opportunities†. Four key imperatives have been associated with agile companies: a) Enrich the customer, b) Master change and uncertainty, c) Leverage resources and d) Co-operate to compete. Responsiveness helps in fulfilling the need for agility for mastering change and uncertainty. We will write a custom essay sample on Production system specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Production system specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Production system specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, agility is also concerned with making full use of the influence a company has over the sources of change and uncertainty, to pro-actively remove them or drive them to support the organisation’s goals. An agile company pro-actively influences the various environments in which it operates by means of many different activities, including marketing, co-operative alliances, new product and process development. In contrast, responsiveness is about taking actions in response to actual or potential changes which the system either cannot control or has not planned. The link between agility and responsiveness is outlined as follows: From this diagram we can say that effective response is a critical attribute, and represents the reactive capabilities of an agile organization. Another important parameter to be considered over here is system flexibility. System Flexibility has received much attention as a manufacturing research topic in the last decade or so. It is the ability of a production system to change the mix, volume and timing of its outputs. Total system flexibility is a complicated function of many system attributes, including machine and subsystem flexibilities. While system flexibility constitutes a possible means for responding to disturbances (both internal – e.g. machine breakdowns – and external – e.g. demand variation, rush-orders) it is not synonymous with responsiveness, since the system must also be able to judiciously use its flexibility in response to disturbances – i.e. decide when to flex its outputs and by how much. Parameters to measure factory responsiveness We feel that factory responsiveness cannot be determined by a single variable. In fact, In order to improve factory responsiveness, first it is necessary to find those variables which would help us to measure quantify factory responsiveness. This will also help us to fix suitable benchmarks. Also, ignoring the factory, will only lead to increased inventory, longer cycle times, and higher costs as product variety increases. There are a number of compelling reasons why the factory should be the starting point in the journey toward demand driven manufacturing. First, converting to lean manufacturing in the factories will help ensure that ERP software is not merely automating an otherwise bad process. Secondly, the factory is often the starting point for companies intending to make broader supply chain improvements. When a company sees significant results from the lean manufacturing transformation, they can often convince suppliers to do the same, providing help and experience. Once the factory is lean, upstream supply chain improvements help ensure that supply disruptions do not hamper the lean factory.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Challenges in the External Environment of Starbucks Essay Example

Challenges in the External Environment of Starbucks Essay Example Challenges in the External Environment of Starbucks Paper Challenges in the External Environment of Starbucks Paper An example of this is that in the market that Cataracts operates in, there are many substitutes which can entice consumers into other businesses. As mentioned before, with the introduction of coffee machines and instant coffee, consumers can quickly make coffee rather than go out of their way to find a Cataracts. Furthermore, using the UK as an example, rival businesses offer an easy substitute. With other similar businesses like Costa, offering products at a similar quality and price it is easy for Cataracts to lose customers, but also gain them at the same time. This can be of strategic importance to Cataracts, as a reconsideration of choice if something goes wrong can influence a customer to move to a rival. Being a fairly easy market to penetrate, Porters Five Forces also suggest that Cataracts could face challenges in its business environment. Using technology that isnt patented just to the Cataracts franchise means that if a new business was to penetrate the market it would be easy to produce an almost identical product to that of theirs. With the right financial background and a good pricing strategy, Cataracts could face rivalry from a new competitive opponent. So, because once a new firm has successfully entered the market it can easily gain access to the same technology and produce similar products, possibly the only thing protecting Cataracts is its image and already established name thus showing a challenge that is of current strategic importance. As previously stated, Cataracts has high competition in its market. Due to this great level of competition, price wars are commonly in place having to match their rivals. This can be seen as a challenge in Cataracts business environment as it could hen in turn drive down profits and profit margins as they try to increase, or as a minimum, maintain their share of the market. Although it could be easy for a new business to enter the market, because Cataracts has such a high market share they would be almost exempt from any threat. Having already built a reputable corporate image and with vast experience in the market, it would be extremely hard for a new entrant to straight away offer much competition. If the market is dominated by a small amount of fairly large suppliers rather than numerous fragmented sources, a suppliers bargaining rower is more than likely going to be high. However, even though suppliers do have power it is often capped to a certain level. Using Cataracts as the example, with such a renowned name and an increasing productivity it means that the coffee beans need Cataracts as well. Additionally, because Cataracts has a range of suppliers of coffee beans coming from South America, Asia and Eastern Africa it means that even if one supplier was to pull out for a reason they could still resort to the other suppliers. This doesnt go to say however, that because Cataracts has a range of suppliers that they can underestimate the power that they to control and limit the amount of coffee beans exported. Due to this reasoning, the bargaining power of the suppliers can and always will be a challenge in Cataracts business environment, and is of current strategic importance. The bargaining power of buyers also ought to be considered when looking at the relation between Porters Five Forces and the business environment along with the market Cataracts operates in. The buyers or consumers, at the end of the day are the key things that keep a business running. In this market it has already been demonstrated that the errs do have the power in theory- according to the five forces proposed by Porter- to control the price of the products. The point that the products arent entirely differentiated, buyers cost of switching to a competitors product is low, the shopping cost is low and buyers are price sensitive means that the buyers seem to have lots of power. In reference to the differentiation segment in Igor Nations matrix (a new product, entering a new market) it doesnt seem as if Cataracts products differ from that of its competitors. This perhaps gives the buyers power to switch over to a competitor offering animal products, because the cost of switching to the alternative is of low cost, and the buyers are price sensitive so will take up the opportunity to do so. This suggests that buyers have power in the market, and because they keep the business running it is of strategic importance for Cataracts to look at this potential problem in their business environment. One of Cataracts many strengths is their established brand name. Because they have such a reputable name, it means that perhaps new consumers may go straight to them rather than competitors when Cataracts decide to expand into a new egging or country. This in turn, means that Cataracts could afford to spend less on advertising when expanding because the recognition by the customers is more likely to already be there. Another strength that Cataracts possesses is the use of high technology in the stores. Using it as an attempt to generate a larger customer base, Cataracts have installed high speed internet in a vast majority of its stores. This makes It ideal for business men, amongst others to gain access to the internet in a relaxed environment, encouraging them to stay longer and perhaps buy more from Cataracts. The use of pre aid cards and an online store, selling coffee machines, tea bags and ground coffee beans is another example of technology used by Cataracts. This is a strength as, even if a customer doesnt shop in store they can buy from online. Another possible strength portrayed by Cataracts is a range of high quality products. An ever increasing range of hot beverages and foods means shows innovation within Cataracts, which is vital in keeping customers hooked. Cataracts also faces a few weaknesses as well, including the high prices it sets on its products. With rivalry businesses in abundance and a high rice due to a rising cost of production, when buying fair trade coffee beans the increase Of price may have a direct effect on the pricing strategy. This could then lead to falling sales and loyalty of the customers. Other weaknesses may include an almost, self-cannibalistic like effect on itself. Due to shops being located within a short distance of each other in major cities Cataracts can be seen to have taken customers from itself in the past. But surely as long as Cataracts are getting the customers, it shouldnt matter should it? Well, because the stores are in abundance and short distance of ACH other, it means some stores wont perform as well as others. The cost of running the stores that arent as high performing as the others is very high, and means that Cataracts may need to reconsider their marketing mix. Possible opportunities that could come from the strengths could be that, it would be easier for Cataracts to expand abroad without facing as many discomposes of scale because of their reputable name in the market. It can be argued however, using China as an example that social problems may overcome the brand name when trying to expand highlighting a problem Cataracts could encounter making it of strategic importance. Another opportunity could be the expansion into retail operations, by selling coffee machines, beans and tea online to customers furthermore expanding their market. This could increase the financial status after diversification. Having looked into, and evaluated the challenges in Cataracts business environment there are possible solutions that could solve them. In regards to the ageing population, Cataracts could possibly create an environment in its stores that cater for more than one age group. This could be reached by possibly putting suggestion boxes in all stores, so they know what to look for. The social problem faced when expanding could possibly be solved according to Porters diamond (M. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, 1990). Because the product is of higher demand in the home country of the firm, it should probably choose where it expands very carefully and pull out to achieve success. With the economic problem of a low disposable income faced by customers and an increase of rivals due to an increase in technology, Nations matrix would suggest that Cataracts diversifies to fight Off the rivalry. Cataracts were to perhaps enter a new market customers could be willing to Penn money on their goods. To solve the environmental challenges when importing coffee beans, the SOOT analysis would suggest to keep good relations with the suppliers and if possible, increase the spread of where they are sourced. This would then lower the threat of decreased materials is bad harvests are reported. To counter act the problem of rivalry in the market, Nations matrix again would suggest diversifying to enable Cataracts to offer something different capturing the attention of the customers. In order to solve the weaknesses and threats of the business, most frameworks offer the same solution. This would be to concentrate on the marketing mix and the way the company is internally run (structure) this would enable the business to see when and when not to expand. The best solutions for the company for the challenge of the ageing population would probably be conduct research, both primary and secondary to enable them to see how they can cater for different age brackets. This would be suffice as it is getting information from the customers themselves, and should help Struck to excel. In regards to the social problems, maybe Cataracts should reconsider their pricing strategy within different areas to keep the customers happy. With such large populations, these kinds of markets do offer potential if the pricing strategy is right and if Cataracts can correctly grasp the culture. Diversification would be the answer to solve the economic, technological and competition challenges. The offer of different products, such as coffee machines and buying online could help Cataracts to enter a new market, increasing the chance to pull away from competitors and solving the economic problems. With environmental challenges it is vital that Cataracts should keep good relations with, and a variety of suppliers. To conclude, although Cataracts is an international business, the research shows that even these huge businesses do face challenges. With the solutions mentioned above, Cataracts should be able to succeed in getting rid of the challenges. Primary and secondary research methods are both a good way of determining what is needed to be done in order to please the customers. As Cataracts would receive first hand opinions, then maybe they could perhaps work on the problems and satisfy the customers. This would need to be done because the buyers in this certain market have a lot of power and determine the productivity and success of a rim. When expanding, the pricing strategy is very important as economies differ in different countries as demonstrated in China. With careful reconsideration of the culture and price, countries like China could prove to be wise investments. When looking at the problems encountered in the competition, technology and economy diversification although risky at times is the answer. It allows the firm to expand into a new market, increasing the chances of enabling them to decrease the level of which competition faced by rivalry firms. Because coffee beans play such a vital role in how Cataracts reforms, it is key that they keep a good relationship with their suppliers in case any environmental problems were to occur and they got cut off.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Local education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Local education - Essay Example The source of finance acceptable to the institution is the most important factor for many students seeking higher education in American universities, especially international students who have to give evidence of ability to pay for the education. Many students are subjected to a rigorous vetting process to determine their eligibility for financing in cases where they seek for scholarships, grants and loans. The criterion used includes but not limited to; country of origin (citizenship), certain minimum academic qualifications, financial ability, and in some instances work experience, I was lucky to secure financing from the Federal Student Aid program. Having acquired a source of finance, the next major step was enrolling for school and starting my classes. The registration process was long and winding. I started off by obtaining clearance from the finance office after which I was directed to the registrar’s office. At the registrar’s office, I met a long queue of students waiting to be served. I had to wait for 2 hours before my turn came. I submitted the clearance form from the finance office and was subsequently issued with a registration number. From the registrar’s office, I headed for the deans office who now issued me with course application forms. I applied for the course and Units of the first semester. I then had to wait for verification from the programme director and have the application forms stamped. The forms would then be taken to the dean’s secretary for filing. The registration process often is a challenge to new students joining universities. The process involves far too many form filling and verification procedures that would prove a challenge to a freshman especially so for international students who also face language barrier problems. After this process, the dean’s secretary gave me the time table and a manual with all the information I needed to know. The classes were to start the following Monday. Monday

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Reflective writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Reflective writing - Essay Example It is therefore SOSE is becoming an essential part of almost all educational institutions to rear the new generation within a culturally diverse society. The primary purpose of the Studies of Society and Environment learning area is to help young people develop the ability to make reasoned and informed decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world. (, Sep 8, 2004) Tasmania is an important Australian state containing amalgamation of many ethnic groups and cultures. It is estimated that Tasmania was joined to the main land nearly 10,000 years ago. (Wikipedia Encyclopaedia) The arrival of European nations in the state, in 17th Century, introduced acculturation between the Europeans and the local Aborigines leading towards changes in traditions, language, living style, cults and political and economic conditions turning Tasmania into a diversified region. Moreover, clemency in immigration policies and comfortable sources of travelling in modern times of globalization has brought remote areas and cultures nearer to one another. Though, all the ethnic groups, including Aborigines and others, abide by law while interacting with other individuals, yet differences in cultural values existing in environment creates difficulties. Keeping in mind the socio-cultural situation, educationalists laid stress in providing children with such learning during the ir initial school years that may help them in making adjustments according to their diversified cultural and social set up. Many educators have favoured models such as SOSE because they do not believe that all the students are suited to, or interested in secondary studies. (The Australian, 2007:11) Thus, it was decided that a well-planned, comprehensive and rigorous education must have been provided

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Price Discrimination Essay Example for Free

Price Discrimination Essay A seller charging competing buyers different prices for the same commodity or discriminating in the provision of allowances — compensation for advertising and other services — may be violating the Robinson-Patman Act. This kind of price discrimination may give favored customers an edge in the market that has nothing to do with their superior efficiency. Price discriminations are generally lawful, particularly if they reflect the different costs of dealing with different buyers or are the result of a sellers attempts to meet a competitors offering. The Supreme Court has ruled that price discrimination claims under the Robinson-Patman Act should be evaluated consistent with broader antitrust policies. In practice, Robinson-Patman claims must meet several specific legal tests: 1.The Act applies to commodities, but not to services, and to purchases, but not to leases. 2.The goods must be of like grade and quality. 3.There must be likely injury to competition (that is, a private plaintiff must also show actual harm to his or her business). 4.Normally, the sales must be in interstate commerce (that is, the sale must be across a state line). Competitive injury may occur in one of two ways. Primary line injury occurs when one manufacturer reduces its prices in a specific geographic market and causes injury to its competitors in the same market. For example, it may be illegal for a manufacturer to sell below cost in a local market over a sustained period. Businesses may also be concerned about secondary line violations, which occur when favored customers of a supplier are given a price advantage over competing customers. Here, the injury is at the buyers level. The necessary harm to competition at the buyer level can be inferred from the existence of significant price discrimination over time. Courts may be starting to limit this inference to situations in which either the buyer or the seller has m arket power, on the theory that, for example, lasting competitive harm is unlikely if alternative sources of supply are available. There are two legal defenses to these types of alleged Robinson-Patman violations: (1) the price difference is justified by different costs in manufacture, sale, or delivery (e.g., volume discounts), or (2) the price concession was given in good faith to meet a competitors price. The Robinson-Patman Act also forbids certain discriminatory allowances or services furnished or paid to customers. In  general, it requires that a seller treat all competing customers in a proportionately equal manner. Services or facilities covered include payment for or furnishing advertising or promotional allowances, handbills, catalogues, signs, demonstrations, display and storage cabinets, special packaging, warehousing facilities, credit returns, and prizes or free merchandise for promotional contests. The cost justification does not apply if the discrimination is in allowances or services furnished. The seller must inform all of its competing customers if any services or allowances are available. The seller must allow all types of competing customers to receive the services and allowances involved in a particular plan or provide some other reasonable means of participation for those who cannot use the basic plan. A more detailed discussion of these promotional issues can be found in the FTCs Fred Meyer Guides. Under certain circumstances, a buyer who benefits from the discrimination may also be found to have violated the Act, along with the seller who grants the discrimination, if the buyer forced, or induced, the seller to grant a discriminatory price. Although proof of a violation of the Robinson-Patman Act often involves complex legal questions, businesses should keep in mind some of the basic practices that may be illegal under the Act. These include: †¢below-cost sales by a firm that charges higher prices in different localities, and that has a plan of recoupment; †¢price differences in the sale of identical goods that cannot be justified on the basis of cost s avings or meeting a competitors prices; or †¢promotional allowances or services that are not practically available to all customers on proportionately equal terms. Under the Nonprofit Institutions Act, eligible nonprofit entities may purchase — and vendors may sell to them — supplies at reduced prices for the nonprofits own use, without violating the Robinson-Patman Act. The Health Care Services Products Division issued a recent advisory opinion discussing the application of this exemption to pharmaceutical purchases by a nonprofit health maintenance organization. Q: I operate two stores that sell compact discs. My business is being ruined by giant discount chains that sell their products for less than my wholesale cost. What can I do? A: Discount chains may be able to buy compact discs at a lower wholesale price because it costs the manufacturer less, on a per-unit basis, to deal with large-volume customers. If so, the manufacturer may have a cost justification defense  to the differential pricing and the policy would not violate the Robinson-Patman Act. Q: One of my suppliers is selling parts at its company-owned store at retail prices that are below the wholesale price that it charges me for the parts. Isnt this illegal? A: The transfer of parts from a parent to its subsidiary generally is not considered a sale under the Robinson-Patman Act. Thus, this situation would not have the required element of sales to two or more purchasers at different prices. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Definition of Price Discrimination A pricing strategy that charges customers different prices for the same product or service. In pure price discrimination, the seller will charge each customer the maximum price that he or she is willing to pay. In more common forms of price discrimination, the seller places customers in groups based on certain attributes and charges each group a different price. Investopedia explains Price Discrimination Price discrimination allows a company to earn higher profits than standard pricing because it allows firms to capture every last dollar of revenue available from each of its customers. While perfect price discrimination is illegal, when the optimal price is set for every customer, imperfect price discrimination exists. For example, movie theaters usually charge three different prices for a show. The prices target various age groups, including youth, adults and seniors. The prices fluctuate with the expected income of each age bracket, with the highest charge going to the adult population. Price Discrimination When you were young, did you ever order from the childrens menu in a restaurant? When a family with small children goes to a restaurant, they are often given a childrens menu in addition to the regular menu. If they order two similar items, one from each menu, they will find that the item ordered from the childrens menu will be a bit smaller, but its price will be much smaller. In fact, it would often be worthwhile for the entire family to order from the childrens menu, but they cannot. Restaurants usually only allow children to order from it.1 Why do restaurants use childrens menus?  Economists doubt that restaurant owners have a special love for children; they suspect that the owners find offering childrens menus to be profitable. It can be profitable if adults who come to restaurants with children are, on the average, more sensitive to prices on menus than adults who come to restaurants without children. Children often do not appreciate restaurant food and service, and often waste a large part of their food. Parents know this and do not want to pay a lot for their childs meal. If restaurants treat children like adults, the restaurants may lose customers as families switch to fast-food restaurants. If this explanation is correct, then restaurants price discriminate.2 A seller price discriminates when it charges different prices to different buyers. The ideal form of price discrimination, from the sellers point of view, is to charge each buyer the maximum that the buyer is willing to pay. If the seller in our monopoly example could do this, it could charge the first buyer $7.01, the second buyer $6.51, etc. In this case the marginal revenue curve becomes identical with the demand curve. The seller will sell the economically efficient amount, it would capture the entire consumers surplus, and it would substantially increase profits. The Simple Analytics of Monopoly-Repeated OutputMarginal CostMarginal Benefit Every seller would price discriminate if there were not two major obstacles standing in the way. First, the seller must be able to distinguish between those buyers who are willing to pay a high price from those who are not. Second, there must be substantial difficulty for a low-price buyer to resell to those willing to buy at a high price.3 Because price discrimination is potentially profitable, businesses have found many ways to do it. Theaters often charge younger customers less than adults. Doctors sometimes charge  the rich or insured patient more for services than they charge the poor or uninsured. Grocery stores have a lower price for people who bother to check the newspaper and clip coupons. Some companies, such as firms selling alcoholic beverages, produce similar products but try to promote one as a prestige brand with a much higher price. Electric utilities usually charge lower rates to people who use a lot of electricity (and thus probably have electric stoves and water heaters) than they do to those who use only a little electricity (and who probably have gas stoves and water heaters). Banks offer special interest rates on Certificates of Deposit (CDs) that will not be obtained when one lets a CD roll over. People who are more sensitive to interest rates will take the time and effort to personally renew each maturing CD. To the extent that businesses find ways to price discriminate, they eliminate the triangle of welfare loss and approach the economically efficient amount of production. Thus, the mere existence of monopoly does not prove there is economic inefficiency.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Meaning of Slavery Essay -- literary Analysis, Ayn Rand’s Anthem

As a teenager, I have come across recent discoveries of myself and the world, the thirst to gain more knowledge, new responsibilities, and orders from elders. It is the overwhelming combination of these things that occasionally hit me with the feeling of being enslaved, chained to the world, my home, and my family. These expectations and dictations are restrictions, but they do not represent true slavery. True slavery controls every aspect of a man; the dictator must enslave the man’s body and destroy his mind. This effort to completely subdue humanity is exemplified by the leaders and society of Ayn Rand’s Anthem. In this novel, the leaders try to suppress the actions, emotions, and thoughts of the people in an attempt to destroy both mind and body. Anyone can instruct another person to act in a certain way, but a dictator forces action upon others making it impossible to follow one’s passion. The leaders in Anthem governed the citizens’ lives; they gave each person a job and selected his or her mates. Equality 7-2521, the main character of the novel, wanted to grow in his knowledge of the earth and the Scholars’ inventions. In order to do this, Equality needed to become a Scholar himself. His life’s work depended on his vocation assignment, for in his society, â€Å"You shall do that which the Council of Vocations shall prescribe for you† (pg. 22). When the Council of Vocations declared him as a Street Sweeper, it prohibited him to study science and to create inventions. Equality loved the â€Å"Science of Things†, but he was unable to follow his passion because of the law (pg. 23-26). The leaders of this world controlled the mating process too. Producing offspring can only be done at one time, the â€Å"Time of Mating†. â€Å"T... ...dependently did not change when Equality became older. When he discovered the hidden tunnel with International 4-8818, Equality made the decision to explore the unknown by himself, a thought that is rarely imagined in a society where there is â€Å"no transgression blacker than to do or think alone† (pg31/17). The laws regarding the separation of a person from the other people gave the leaders the authority to enforce the uniformity of thoughts. Through thoughts, emotions, and actions and Any Rand’s Anthem shows that dictators must control every part of a man to ultimately defeat him. It is nothing but laws, leaders, and society that destroy the man. The laws are established to support the destruction, the leaders enforce it, and the society allows it. How can we allow the enslavement of an individual? How can we allow the obliteration of a mind and body?

Monday, January 13, 2020

E-Hr in P&G

Introduction to Procter & Gamble Procter & Gamble (P&G) is a multinational corporation that provides consumer products in the areas of pharmaceuticals, cleaning supplies, personal care, and pet supplies. The global consumer goods company was started by William Procter, an English candle maker & James Gamble, an Irish soap maker in 1837, and has been well established since then, ranking fifth place of the â€Å"World's Most Admired Companies† by Fortune Magazine . P constantly strives to provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improves the lives of the world’s consumers , where P brands serve 4. billion people in more than 180 countries. A High Performing Organization Being a multinational corporation, P values its people as the company’s most important as-set and source of competitive advantage, and understands that its success greatly depends on the strength of the talent pipeline. The Human Resources department inevitably plays an im-portant role to the company, responsible in attracting the top talents, managing P talent globally to enable career development and growth across businesses and geographies and de-veloping leaders at P around the world in every business, in every region and at every level. In view of the fast technological advances, P continues to stay at the global frontline by in-corporating e-HR into its everyday processes such as selection, recruitment and training. The use of the Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) was also able to increase administra-tive efficiency and produce reports that have the potential to improve decision making for managers. E-HR not only provided human resources departments with the opportunity to make information available and accessible to managers and employees, but was also able to improve the company’s overall efficiency and effectiveness. With all its efforts over the years, P has been widely recognized as the industry’s global in-novation leader and brand-building leader of the industry, being consistently ranked by leading retailers in industry surveys as a preferred supplier and generating $82. 6 billion dollar of sales in 2011 alone. The HR department was also awarded the â€Å"2010 Asian Human Capital Award from Singapore's Minister for Manpower†, a highly recognized award in the industry. Technology in HR Functions Training & Development Early 2000s Being a global company that has hundred years of history, P&G owes its success partly to its large pool of capable and well-trained workforce. P&G trained its workforce on a regular basis. Since early 2000s, P&G sees the need to share product information and knowledge to its em-ployees quickly, while keeping its employees skilled and knowledgeable. P&G thus appointed Saba Learning Enterprise to develop an Internet-based learning system to be used by over 100,000 of its employees in over 70 countries . Through the collaboration with Saba Learning Enterprise, P&G were able to have a scalable system which featured various functions through its web compatibility. Powering the RapidLEARN initiative , Saba had helped P&G to consolidate multiple Learning Management Systems (LMSs) into one that improved the company’s global learning pace, thus reducing its costs greatly . New strategies and direction could be passed on to its employees with great consistency. Through the development of such integrated system, P&G was thus able to meet the needs of various business requirements. As a result of this, number of employees that utilized e-learning had increased from less than 5% to over 25% . It was estimated that such initiative had resulted in cost savings of around $14million after 5 years. In 2003, P&G moved on to engage BrightWave, UK e-learning developer, to transform its in-house presentation materials into an online training program, a 2-hour stand alone modular course, for its employees . Late 2000s With the success of Saba since early 2000s, the system had undergone multiple upgrades and customization. By 2009, the Saba system provided online training to over 90,000 of its em-ployees. There was an average of 16,000 individuals among P&G’s employees that made used of its online training each month. Such success leads P&G to expect an online training growth in the near future. To support such anticipation, P&G planned to improve its learning management system in terms of its availabili-ty, tracking, learning process governance and application support . As a result, P&G decided to assign Accenture in developing its learning management system for 6 years. Prior to the transformation, P&G had over 200 training administrators that provided decentra-lized Tier 1 support, with multiple vendors providing support on more serious application issues on Tier 2 and Tier 3 . Over a period of 3 months, all support services from Tier 1 to Tier 3 had been successfully migrated to Accenture to meet several objectives such as creating a consis-tent development on its application system, having a reliable learning system with high availa-bility, as well as improving the control of its learning process . To meet the increasing demand that P&G was expecting, it moved its Saba-based RapidLEARN to a clustered environment. Today, P&G had a reliable LMS which was scalable to meet the increasing need of web-based training across the globe. More than 90,000 of P&G’s employees now have access to the system. Today †¢Online system To enable all its employees be updated with the most up-to-date trainings, all of P&G’s em-ployees have access to a website (P&G’s online system) listing all the available courses, with details such as timing, course descriptions, and illegibility. P&G’s employees are to sign up for all the trainings online through a common online system. With online registration, em-ployees are able to understand the details of the course as well as select the suitable sche-dule for the courses quickly through a simple click. New courses can be search and signed-up courses can be dropped through the same online system. Aside from the course listings, the webpage also has other information (guidelines) that guides its employees through their own learning path. The system contains detailed infor-mation on the career stage at which certain trainings should be taken. Trainings are categorized into â€Å"General Trainings† which covers soft skills such as leadership and business communications and â€Å"Functional Trainings† which covers expertise knowledge such as finance and marketing. All these trainings are also categorized according to different career stage. As a result, the availability of the guidelines aims to help its employees sign up for the suitable courses during different career stage. E-learning For online trainings or the so-called â€Å"e-learning courses†, employees are able to complete the course at the leisure of their own pace. The system will track the attendance and progress of each employee in the trainings. In fact, employee’s attendance record for all courses attended is readily available online. Some of the common e-learning courses include training on procedures, standard business models , and business ethics. Upon completion of such courses, there will be compulsory tests which the employees have to pass. According to one of the employee’s experience, while such e-learning courses provide them with the necessary information, the knowledge absorbed is very much short-term. Some-times, employees will end up skip the on-line courses and move on directly to the tests by guessing the correct answers so as to pass the tests. Such ‘short-cut’ approach defeats the company’s purpose of having online trainings and wastes the resources of the company. †¢Trainings across the globe Being a global company, the company carries out its e-learning globally. The same trainings are made available to all of its employees at different countries. For other trainings that are not carried out online, the company provides the same content to be used globally. The ac-tual trainings will, however, be carried out by P&G at different regions and offices separate-ly. The trainers for such courses often come from P&G’s employees. These are keen employees who sent to external trainers to receive trainings. As a result of that, the training content of non-online trainings (despite having the same content across the globe) may vary slightly depending on the trainers’ style and expertise. In any case, not all trainings can be attended by all employees. Some training has specific requirements of having to meet certain career stage. Hence an approval status is needed before the employee can attend it. There are also certain trainings which can only be at-tended by certain employees upon recommendation from the managers. Therefore, em-ployees have to take note of such details as well as the location of trainings as an employee in Singapore could not simply attend trainings that are held in United States. The overall benefit of having such a complete online system in its training system is to allow P&G’s employees to realize their own learning progress and to direct them into knowing what kind of skills they need to develop further in the future. It also serves to save employees time by providing the employees the flexibility of completing the trainings at the own time. E-Recruiting With nearly 300 brands worldwide, P&G places high importance in the people and values the talent of every individual. The company spare no effort in attracting suitable talents into its company and promises to offer exciting new challenges, tremendous growth and support, and a chance to touch and improve lives daily for every of its staff. In the modern era, there have been an increasing number of people who are dependent on technology and the internet. In the past, people used to flip through job ads in newspapers. However in this age of internet technology, more people are increasingly turning to online job portals such as monster. com, recruit. et and efinancialcareers. com. USA Today reports that 95% of the college graduation class of 1997 used the Internet as the medium of choice for their job searches while a recent study by JWT Specialized Communications found that 70% of active job seekers are more likely to use the Web than traditional job hunting methods . The increasing popularity of these new and rising recruitment channels provide fresh and innovative ways that P&G can tap onto for thei r recruitment efforts, instead of relying only on personal network or head hunters. One example of such a channel is the increasingly popular use of online job por-tals (e-recruiting) in a candidate’s job search. P&G’s human resource team was able to identify the fast and moving trends of technology and in turn capitalize on the accessibility and availability of the internet to incorporate into its hiring process, making e-recruiting a part of their overall recruiting strategy. The key to successful e-recruiting is by providing a good job site which would make it easy for candidates to understand and apply and for the company to accomplish its goals of attracting the right talent. McKinsey & Company, the global consulting firm, identified recruiting as a critical issue in its 1998 report, The War for Talent, where McKinsey points to various demographic and industrial changes that are making it harder to recruit and retain good employees . A Fast Company article on the report also reiterated the importance of talent, stating that â€Å"The most important corporate resource over the next 20 years will be talent: smart, sophisticated businesspeople who are technologically literate, globally astute, and operationally agile. And even as the demand for talent goes up, the supply of it will be going down. By providing a good e-recruiting website, P&G is able to benefit as the website has acted as an effective filter, making it easy for the correct candidate to apply and deter the wrong applicants from applying. Other benefits of e-recruiting include huge cost savings. Research has shown that e-recruiting is not only faster than traditional channels but the efficienc ies of e-recruiting can also cut the amount of time needed to identify, interview and hire for a vacant position, in turn helping a company to save as much as $8,000 per hire over traditional hiring channels . Considering the scale of P&G with more than 129,000 employees worldwide, the amount of cost savings is substantial by just making 10% of it hires through e-recruiting. A unique website domain was devoted to P&G’s career centre: http://jobs-pg. com/, with a link to a similar interface easily accessible, appearing on the home page just beside the â€Å"Investor Relations† tab, signifying that P&G values e-recruiting as much as it cares about its investors. This career website has been designed in a very user friendly manner, where one is able to search jobs by category, location or groups, enabling candidates to be able to identify the area of interest or job they would like to apply quickly. P&G’s hiring process is then spilt into 5 gen-eral stages, namely application, assessment, initial interview, final interview and the offer, with specific instructions on what is required for every individual step. †¢Application This simple application process instituted a â€Å"paperless† online application system allowing electronic applications to be submitted 24 hours a day and helping the company to find ap-plicants in a timely manner. The information required in the application stage includes con-tact information, education, resume, questionnaire, confirmation and a summary. Appli-cants are also able to save the application as a draft first before completing it at a later time, allowing greater flexibility. †¢Assessments P&G uses online assessments to measure skills and accomplishments that generally do not emerge from interviews. These assessments are beneficial and well received by the appli-cants as it not only allow the company to assess the abilities of the applicant, but also help determine if it is equally beneficial for the applicant to continue through the hiring process, in turn acting as a screening stage for both parties. Examples of the online assessments are: oSuccess Drivers Assessment: â€Å"Assess your background, experiences, interests and work related attitudes and measures your compatibility against P&G compe-tencies for defining successful job performance† oReasoning Screen: â€Å"Measures your cognitive ability. This is important because the nature of our work is complex and continually changing† †¢Initial Interview Behavioural based interviews used to know more about the applicant’s previous accoplish-ment and the applicant relate to, compare with and connect with the company’s Success Drivers. †¢Final Interview One-to-one or panel interviews to find out in greater detail about the applicant’s skills and capabilities. This is also an opportunity for the applicant to get a more in depth understand-ing of P&G’s unique culture, values and endless opportunities. †¢Offer An offer of employment will be first notified through a phone call before a confirmation with details is given through the electronic mail. The comprehensive and descriptive steps of e-recruiting has allowed P&G to achieve a competi-tive advantage in attracting global talents to its company by making job postings available and conducting a firsthand filter of the job applicants through the several stages of recruitment in place. The advantages of e-recruiting for P&G include the ability to reach a wider range of audience, being cost effective and achieving a faster recruitment cycle. With cost effectiveness and a faster recruitment cycle being discussed previously, the ability to reach a wider range of audience is especially important for a global company with job openings suitable for people from all over the world. Opportunities/ Recommendations P&G faces many opportunities that it can tap onto for growth. With the constant increase in the use of internet revolutionizing the way people communicate and interact, majority of the companies today have incorporated e-recruiting into their recruitment strategy. Therefore there is a need for P&G to tap into new opportunities to further enhance and improve its current e-recruiting strategy. In conducting the field research of e-recruitment in P&G, it could be seen that technology was greatly used in the application, assessment and offer process, but not applied in the initial and final interview process. Hence P&G could actively test alternative methods of recruitment such as using audio and video conferencing or a real-time virtual Business Game Challenge in the interview stages to continue develop its recruitment strategy. For training wise, our group believes that P&G could have regular pop-up quizzes which test its employees on the general contents of the past trainings that the employees have attended. This serve to add on the recall on the employees and reminding them about knowledge taught such that it will prevent the employees from forgetting the training content after attending them. This is to ensure that all the resources that P&G develop are put into good use. Such pop-up quizzes, though simple, could serve as a constant reminder about the need of being aware of such knowledge even though they may not use them directly on a day-to-day basis. Conclusion Based on the above discussion, we see that talent is the key resource that drives P&G forward and helps the company to remain on top in today’s competitive market. Realizing this, P&G never let loose its effort in finding the right talent and providing them with proper trainin. The company want to ensure that all of its employees share the same values and are equipped with the most up-to-date product knowledge in a consistent manner. In order to do this efficiently, the use of technology in its e-HR system has proven to be an ef-fective and efficient method that keeps the company ahead globally. With change being the only constant in today’s world, the continuous upgrades in its HR system as well as review on recruitment process are some of the key efforts which require great efforts and are of high importance to the success of the company. Considering the size and global positioning that P&G has, keeping its e-HR competent is therefore the key to success. ? References Fast Company (1998). â€Å"The War For Talent†. Retrieved 22 December 2011 from http://www. fastcompany. com/online/16/mckinsey. html Mark. H & Jakob. N (1999). E-Recruiting. Creative Good Inc. McKinsey & Company (2001). â€Å"The War For Talent†. Retrieved 22 December 2011 from http://autoassembly. mckinsey. com/html/downloads/articles/War_For_Talent. pdf CNN Money (2011). â€Å"World’s Most Admired Companies†. Retrieved 20 December 2011, from http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/mostadmired/2011/snapshots/334. html Procter & Gamble (2011). Purpose & People†. Retrieved 20 December 2011, from http://www. pg. com/en_US/company/purpose_people/index. shtml National Center for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (January 2002) â€Å"Asia-Pacific e-learning Alliance: A Report on e-Learning and Best Practices† Retrieved 19 December 2011, from http://unpan1. un. org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN011272. pdf SABA Customer Overview (Se ptember 2001) â€Å"Procter & Gamble†. Retrieved 21 December 2011, from http://www. betacom. com. pl/files/other/PnG_v4. pdf National Center for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (January 2002) â€Å"Asia-Pacific e-learning Alliance: A Report on e-Learning and Best Practices† Retrieved 19 December 2011, from http://unpan1. un. org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN011272. pdf Training Press Releases (11 April 2003). â€Å"Procter & Gamble use BrightWave†. Retrieved 20 December 2011, from http://www. trainingpressreleases. com/news/brightwave/2003/procter-gamble-use-brightwave Accenture (2009). â€Å"Helping Procter & Gamble strengthen a culture of high performance through its learning program†. Retrieved 21 December 2011, from