Monday, February 24, 2020

Local education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Local education - Essay Example The source of finance acceptable to the institution is the most important factor for many students seeking higher education in American universities, especially international students who have to give evidence of ability to pay for the education. Many students are subjected to a rigorous vetting process to determine their eligibility for financing in cases where they seek for scholarships, grants and loans. The criterion used includes but not limited to; country of origin (citizenship), certain minimum academic qualifications, financial ability, and in some instances work experience, I was lucky to secure financing from the Federal Student Aid program. Having acquired a source of finance, the next major step was enrolling for school and starting my classes. The registration process was long and winding. I started off by obtaining clearance from the finance office after which I was directed to the registrar’s office. At the registrar’s office, I met a long queue of students waiting to be served. I had to wait for 2 hours before my turn came. I submitted the clearance form from the finance office and was subsequently issued with a registration number. From the registrar’s office, I headed for the deans office who now issued me with course application forms. I applied for the course and Units of the first semester. I then had to wait for verification from the programme director and have the application forms stamped. The forms would then be taken to the dean’s secretary for filing. The registration process often is a challenge to new students joining universities. The process involves far too many form filling and verification procedures that would prove a challenge to a freshman especially so for international students who also face language barrier problems. After this process, the dean’s secretary gave me the time table and a manual with all the information I needed to know. The classes were to start the following Monday. Monday

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